Background: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating condition with profound societal impact. Recovery is hampered by barriers to access and engagement in evidence-based treatments. In addition, up to half of patients retain their diagnosis after treatment, and up to one-third dropout (Lewis et al., 2020; Morina et al., 2016), highlighting the need for innovative solutions to improve outcomes. Multimodal Motion-assisted Memory Desensitization and Reconsolidation (3MDR) is a brief, innovative, virtual reality assisted therapy incorporating treadmill walking and dual attention tasks that target factors linked to lower treatment response.
Methods: This workshop will introduce 3MDR as a psychotherapy innovation that addresses barriers to effective trauma treatment. Presenters will review the latest evidence from both military and civilian contexts regarding its effectiveness and present cases that illustrate its use.
Results: 3MDR is supported by five randomized controlled trials in military and veteran populations with PTSD. Promising, yet unpublished preliminary results from the Alberta 3MDR Study is also expanding the evidence base in civilian populations, including health care professionals and complex trauma. Future implications of 3MDR for the care of traumatized individuals will be discussed, including plans for expanding its use across Alberta and beyond within the public mental health system.
Conclusion: Alberta is at the forefront of efforts to expand 3MDR for civilian use. Integrating 3MDR research into public mental health systems across Alberta and beyond is paving the way for enhanced trauma care.
1.Identify at least three barriers to recovery from PTSD;
2.Describe the components of Multi-modal Motion-assisted Memory Desensitization and Reconsolidation (3MDR) and how they represent innovation in psychotherapy for trauma affected populations; and
3.Consider how scale and spread of 3MDR in Alberta’s civilian public health system may address access and treatment gaps
1. Burback, L., Brémault-Phillips, S., Nijdam, M. J., McFarlane, A., & Vermetten, E. (2023). Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A State-of-the-art Review. Curr. Neuropharmacol.
2. Hamilton, T., Burback, L., Smith-MacDonald, L., Jones, C., Brown, M. R., Mikolas, C., ... & Brémault-Phillips, S. (2021). Moving toward and through trauma: participant experiences of multi-modal motion-assisted memory desensitization and reconsolidation (3MDR). Frontiers in psychiatry, 12, 2357.
3. Jones, C., Smith-Macdonald, L., Miguel-Cruz, A., Lentz, L., Pike, A., & Brémault-Phillips, S. (2020). Tackling trauma with technology: Treating chronic combat-related PTSD in Canadian Armed Forces personnel and Veterans with 3MDR. Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine.
4. Roy, M. J., Bellini, P., Kruger, S. E., Dunbar, K., Atallah, H., Haight, T., & Vermetten, E. (2022). Randomized controlled trial of motion-assisted exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder after mild traumatic brain injury, with and without an eye movement task. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 171.
5. Smith-MacDonald, L., Jones, C., Brown, M. R., Dunleavy, R. S., VanderLaan, A., Kaneva, Z., ... & Brémault-Phillips, S. (2023). Moving forward from moral injury: a mixed methods study investigating the use of 3MDR for treatment-resistant PTSD. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20(7), 5415.
6. Tang, E., Jones, C., Smith-MacDonald, L., Brown, M. R., Vermetten, E. H., & Brémault-Phillips, S. (2021). Decreased emotional dysregulation following multi-modal motion-assisted memory desensitization and reconsolidation therapy (3MDR): identifying possible driving factors in remediation of treatment-resistant PTSD. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 12243.
7. Van Gelderen MJ, Nijdam MJ, Dubbink GE, Sleijpen M, Vermetten E. Perceived treatment processes and effects of interactive motion-assisted exposure therapy for veterans with treatment-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder: a mixed methods study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 2020 Dec 31;11(1):1829400.
8. Van Gelderen, M. J., Nijdam, M. J., Haagen, J. F., & Vermetten, E. (2020). Interactive motion-assisted exposure therapy for veterans with treatment-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder: a randomized controlled trial. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 89(4), 215-227.
9. Van Gelderen MJ, Nijdam MJ, Vermetten E. An innovative framework for delivering psychotherapy to patients with treatment-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder: Rationale for interactive motion-assisted therapy. Frontiers in psychiatry. 2018 May 4;9:176
10. Bisson, J. I., Van Deursen, R., Hannigan, B., Kitchiner, N., Barawi, K., Jones, K., ... & Vermetten, E. (2020). Randomized controlled trial of multi‐modular motion‐assisted memory desensitization and reconsolidation (3MDR) for male military veterans with treatment‐resistant post‐traumatic stress disorder. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 142(2), 141-151.
11. Vermetten, E. (2020). Randomized controlled trial of multi-modular motion-assisted memory desensitization and reconsolidation (3MDR) for male military veterans with treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder. Acta Psychiatr Scand, 142, 141-151