The Alberta Psychiatric Association Foundation, an accredited charity, was established in 2008 for the purpose of raising money for education and research in various aspects of psychiatry.
Since 2012, the APA Foundation has been responsible for bringing some incredibly well-respected and knowledgeable keynote speakers to the annual scientific conference, namely:
We encourage you to consider the APA Foundation as part of your charitable giving plans. Perhaps you will choose to make a donation in honor of a mentor you have had on your psychiatric career path, a respected colleague or because of your own involvement or service with the Alberta Psychiatric Association. It is hoped you will consider a donation because you value lifelong learning in psychiatry.
Donate to the APA Foundation Today!
The governance of the Foundation is tied to, but separate from the APA. The directors of the Foundation are as follows:
Chairman: APA Past President
Vice Chairman: APA President Elect
Secretary-Treasurer: APA Secretary-Treasurer
Members at Large: Members of the APA
The APA President is an ex officio member of the Foundation Executive and all its committees.
Members at Large serve a three year term.
For 2022-2023, the APA Foundation Executive is as follows: