Cannabis is one of the most widely used substances globally, with increasing legalization and societal acceptance. Since the legalization of cannabis in Canada in October 2018, its impact on various aspects of public health, including potential links between cannabis use and aggression has been examined. The current body of evidence presents a complex and nuanced picture. Understanding its possible effects on aggression in individuals with or without mental health conditions is essential for public safety as it broadens awareness and guides clinical recommendations.
This presentation explores the most up-to-date evidence of the nexus between cannabis use and violence, highlights key influencing variables, and addresses potential confounding factors. We will discuss the influence of THC and CBD levels, the potential role of cannabis withdrawal in aggressive behaviors, and the impact of psychiatric comorbidities. We will explore risk factors and whether cannabis use contributes to aggression or if individuals with a predisposition to aggression are more likely to engage in cannabis use. The influence of social determinants of health and co-occurring substance use will be analyzed to understand better their role in impacting the connection between cannabis use and aggression. By highlighting current research, this work aims to inform future studies and contribute to developing evidencebased policies and guidelines.
1. Participants will be able to identify key factors influencing the connection between cannabis use and aggression;
2. Participants will be able to describe the bidirectional relationship between cannabis use and aggression;
3. Participants will be able to identify gaps in current research that may inform future studies on cannabis and aggression link; and
4. Participants will be able to describe the broader societal implications of cannabis use and increased susceptibility to aggression and psychosis associated with it.