RESIDENT: Promoting Shared Care and Improving Access for Community Mental Health Services in the Edmonton Zone

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Presenting Author(s): Michele Foster

Co-Author(s): Dr. Vincent I.O. Agyapong, MD, PhD

Date and time: 24 Mar 2018 from 13:45 to 14:00

Location: Bluebell  Floor Map

Presenting Author(s) Names:  Michele Foster

 Co-Author(s) Names: Dr. Vincent Agyapong


 Learning Objectives:

  1. Examine the Therapist Model of Care in Edmonton including factors hindering access to mental health.
  2. Present data from focus groups: access to mental health from the perspective of various stakeholders, including patients and health professionals
  3. Examine the Three-Tier Pathway as a possibility for improved access to community based mental health programs and services.

 Literature References:

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The model of care for access to mental health resources in Edmonton is described as a Therapist Based Model of Care (TBMC); patients accessing community based mental health services are also required to have a Mental Health Therapist. Anecdotal evidence suggests this model impedes patients’ access to mental health services and hinders the shared approach to mental health care. There have been no studies which examine the extent of, opportunities for, and barriers to the practice of shared care for mental health patients within the Edmonton zone.


The goal of the study is to examine the TBMC in Edmonton, including factors hindering access to community based mental health services.  A focus will be placed on generating new knowledge on opportunities and barriers to shared care for patients with mental health difficulties. A primary outcome will be development of an ideal shared care model for mental health patients within the Edmonton Zone based on stakeholders feedback.


The views of a diverse group of stakeholders, including health professionals and patients will be examined. Quantitative data collection will involve online and paper based self-administered questionnaires involving a Likert Scale, tailored to either health care professionals or patients, respectively. Subsequently, each group will be invited to participate in final focus group discussions.


As this study is in process, results are not currently available; however, the study will be complete at the end of January.

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