The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has risen over time, with many individuals receiving a diagnosis for the first time during adulthood. Nevertheless, many clinicians remain uncertain about diagnosing ASD in adults due to the often subtle nature of the disorder and the confounding presence of cooccurring disorders. The use of standardized assessment tools can be particularly useful to assist in the diagnosis of ASD in this population. However, there is little information to guide the selection of clinical tools in the adult population.
This rapid review evaluated the use of standardized assessment tools for the diagnosis of ASD in adults. The aim was to identify tools that are commonly used by clinicians along with rationale for their use.
A rapid literature review was conducted, including studies from MEDLINE, Embase, and PsycInfo. The initial search produced 13710 studies, and ten studies were included in this review.
All studies were qualitative in nature, comprised of clinician surveys. The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI) were the most frequently used. However, among the studies there also was a wide variability of tools used. Some of the challenges identified in their use included time constraints for administration, lack of appropriate training, and cost. Tools also tended to be administered by allied health more often than medical professionals.
Overall, this rapid review suggests discrepant practices regarding the use of standardized assessment tools to diagnose adults with ASD. Factors including validity, practicality, and training affect whether clinicians use these tools.
1.Understand the challenges associated with diagnosing adults with ASD;
2.Discuss the current practices of using standardized assessment tools to assist the diagnosis of adults with ASD, including the benefits and barriers of using such tools; and
3.Understand the properties of various standardized assessment tools, including those which may be incorporated into your own practice.
1. Ashwood, K. L., Buitelaar, J., Murphy, D., Spooren, W., & Charman, T. (2015). European clinical network: autism spectrum disorder assessments and patient characterisation. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 24(8), 985-995.
2. Crane, L., Davidson, I., Prosser, R., & Pellicano, E. (2019). Understanding psychiatrists' knowledge, attitudes and experiences in identifying and supporting their patients on the autism spectrum: online survey. BJPsych Open, 5(3), e33-e33.
3. Freeman, N. C., & Grigoriadis, A. (2023). A survey of assessment practices among health professionals diagnosing females with autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 135, 104445-104445.
4. Huang, Y., Arnold, S. R. C., Foley, K.-R., & Trollor, J. N. (2020). Diagnosis of autism in adulthood: A scoping review. AUTISM, 24(6), 1311-1327.
5. R. Bradbury, K., Duvall, S. W., Armstrong, K., & Hall, T. A. (2022). Survey of training experiences and clinical practice in assessment for autism spectrum disorder by neuropsychologists. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 36(5), 856-873.
6. Rogers, C. L., Goddard, L., Hill, E. L., Henry, L. A., & Crane, L. (2016). Experiences of diagnosing autism spectrum disorder: A survey of professionals in the United Kingdom. Autism : the international journal of research and practice, 20(7), 820-831.
7. Rutherford, M., McKenzie, K., McClure, I., Forsyth, K., O’Hare, A., McCartney, D., & Finlayson, I. (2016). A national study to investigate the clinical use of standardised instruments in autism spectrum disorder assessment of children and adults in Scotland. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 29-30, 93-100.
8. Scattoni, M. L., Micai, M., Ciaramella, A., Salvitti, T., Fulceri, F., Fatta, L. M., Poustka, L., Diehm, R., Iskrov, G., Stefanov, R., Guillon, Q., Rogé, B., Staines, A., Sweeney, M. R., Boilson, A. M., Leósdóttir, T., Saemundsen, E., Moilanen, I., Ebeling, H., . . . Schendel, D. (2021). Real-World Experiences in Autistic Adult Diagnostic Services and Post-diagnostic Support and Alignment with Services Guidelines: Results from the ASDEU Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 51(11), 4129-4146.
9. Spain, D., Stewart, G. R., Mason, D., Robinson, J., Capp, S. J., Gillan, N., Ensum, I., & Happé, F. (2022). Autism Diagnostic Assessments With Children, Adolescents, and Adults Prior to and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Professionals. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 789449-789449.
10. Taylor, L. J., Eggleston, M. J. F., Thabrew, H., van der Meer, L., Waddington, H., Whitehouse, A. J. O., & Evans, K. (2021). An investigation of adherence to best practice guidelines for autism diagnosis in New Zealand. Autism : the international journal of research and practice, 25(7), 2087-2100.
11. Wigham, S., Ingham, B., Le Couteur, A., Wilson, C., Ensum, I., & Parr, J. R. (2022). A survey of autistic adults, relatives and clinical teams in the United Kingdom: And Delphi process consensus statements on optimal autism diagnostic assessment for adults. Autism : the international journal of research and practice, 26(8), 1959-1972.
12. Wigham, S., Rodgers, J., Berney, T., Le Couteur, A., Ingham, B., & Parr, J. R. (2019). Psychometric properties of questionnaires and diagnostic measures for autism spectrum disorders in adults: A systematic review. AUTISM, 23(2), 287-305.