1. To engage in expressive writing for creativity and self-awareness;
2. To use a what sticks model of responding to co-participant writing; and
3. To contribute to resilience through reading and responding.
1. Goldberg, N. Writing down the bones. Freeing the writer within. 30th Anniversary Edition. Shambala Publications, 2016.
2. Hanlon, V. Blue Gown, White Coat. Can J Emerg Med 2003; 5(3): 213-214.
3. Wallace, E. What the pandemic did to my mind. ROOM 2.23: A Sketchbook for Analytic Action. 18-21 Online: analytic-room.com.
4. Penwarden, S., Schoon, A. The pull of words: Reliving a poetry symposium through found poetry. Art/Research International: A transdisciplinary journal 2021; 6(2): 347-368.
5. Delgado, J, de Groot J, McCaffrey G, Sitter, K.C., Dimitropoulis, G., Austin, W. Communities of practice: acknowledging vulnerability to improve resilience in healthcare teams. J Med Ethics 2020; 47(7): 488-493. doi://10.1135/medethics-2019-105865.
As we continue to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic, we seek ways to ameliorate our burnout, and enhance self-compassion. Reflective writing offers an opportunity to process experiences, enhance self-awareness and potentially surprise ourselves with what arises. You may feel some feelings! A narrative-based medicine grounding supports creativity, relationships, receptivity to the stories of others and potentially, a sense of community. In addition, listening to spoken words invites an intentional relationship with the world.Through this workshop, we offer an entry into expressive writing that may feel therapeutic but is not therapy. It might even feel like play!
The session begins with a brief description of expressive writing and narrative-based medicine. The facilitators will read selected poems to support multi-sensory awareness before each of the two quick writes. The facilitators will provide prompts for the ‘quick writes’ of 5 minutes. Following reflections on the writing experiences, participants will be invited to share a sentence or their piece for supportive feedback. We will also aim to develop a group poem or written piece by combining sentences provided by participants from their writing.