1. To review historical aspect, current concepts and the future directions in diagnosis and treatment of neurodevelopmental disorder, in a mental health perspective;
2. How can we screen for underlying neurodevelopmental disorders / Intellectual disability/ autism during a regular psychiatric assessment?; and
3. Neurodevelopmental disorder and other psychiatric disorders - a concurrent disorder treatment approach.
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Neurodevelopmental disorders are a group of complex multifactorial disorders with significant symptom overlap that arise during the developmental period. This presentation will illustrate the continuously evolving knowledge of these disorders as well as the potential growth in future directions. These disorders can not only affect individuals, but society as a whole. Accumulated knowledge of these disorders has slowly began to shift the perception of these disorders as well as help individuals experiencing these conditions feel less stigmatized by society.
As the prevelence of these disorders is on the rise, it is important that individuals are able to receive a diagnosis early on, as well as proper resources to help them navigate thier life. The inclusion of questions related to childhood development can aid clinicians screen for these disorders even in adult patients and help manage symptoms appropriately. Knowledge of NDD would help differentiate these patients presentaing with concurrent psychiatric disorders from other comorbid conditions like personality disorders and substance abuse.