1. Understand MAiD legislation in Canada and wherepermitted around the world;
2. Appreciate challenges associated with MAiD and mentaldisorders; and
3. Be aware of work done in Canada to prepare system forrequests from patients with mental disorders for MAiDassessment.
1. Appel, J. E., & van Wijngaarden, E. J. (2021). Older Adults Who Experience Their Lives to Be Completed and No Longer Worth Living: A Systematic Mini-Review Into Used Terminology, Definitions, and Interpretations. Front Psychol, 12, 734049.
2. Appelbaum, P. S. (2017). Should Mental Disorders Be a Basis for Physician-Assisted Death. Psychiatr Serv, 68(4), 315-317.
3. Miller, F. G., & Appelbaum, P. S. (2018). Physician-Assisted Death for Psychiatric Patients - Misguided Public Policy. N Engl J Med, 378(10), 883-885.
4. Bastidas-Bilbao, H., Stergiopoulos, V., van Kesteren, M. R., Stewart, D. E., Cappe, V., Gupta, M. et al. (2023). Searching for relief from suffering: A patient-oriented qualitative study on medical assistance in dying for mental illness as the sole underlying medical condition. Soc Sci Med, 331, 116075.
5. Bastidas-Bilbao, H., Stergiopoulos, V., Cappe, V., van Kesteren, M. R., Stewart, D. E., Gupta, M. et al. (2023). Walking Alongside: Views of Family Members on Medical Assistance in Dying for Mental Illness as the Sole Underlying Medical Condition. Qual Health Res, 33(13), 1140-1153.
6. Bastidas-Bilbao, H., Stergiopoulos, V., Cappe, V., van Kesteren, M. R., Stewart, D. E., Gupta, M. et al. (2023). Walking Alongside: Views of Family Members on Medical Assistance in Dying for Mental Illness as the Sole Underlying Medical Condition. Qual Health Res, 33(13), 1140-1153.
7. Benrimoh, D., Perreault, A., & Van Den Eynde, F. (2017). Euthanasia requests in a Canadian psychiatric emergency room: A case series: Part 1 of the McGill University euthanasia in psychiatry case series. Int J Law Psychiatry, 55, 37-44.
8. Bersani, G., Rinaldi, R., & Iannitelli, A. (2022). The Shanti De Corte case: euthanasia for mental disorder between clinic and bioethics, between law and medico-legal implications. Rivista di psichiatria, 57(6), 303-307.
9. Cheng, X., Yang, N., Li, Y., Sun, Q., Qiu, L., Xu, L. et al. (2019). The shape of the glucose response curve during an oral glucose tolerance test heralds β-cell function in a large Chinese population. BMC Endocr Disord, 19(1), 119.
10. Clifford, J. M. (2017). Where is the argument for the conceptual slippery slope. Br J Psychiatry, 211(6), 397.
11. De Hert, M., Loos, S., & Van Assche, K. (2022). Euthanasia of a person with a psychiatric disorder does not violate the European Convention on Human Rights (Mortier v. Belgium [no. 78017/17]). Eur Psychiatry, 65(1), e80.
12. Dembo, J., Schuklenk, U., & Reggler, J. (2018). “For Their Own Good”: A Response to Popular Arguments Against Permitting Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) where Mental Illness Is the Sole Underlying Condition. Can J Psychiatry, 63(7), 451-456.
13. Denys, D. (2018). Is Euthanasia Psychiatric Treatment? The Struggle With Death on Request in the Netherlands. Am J Psychiatry, 175(9), 822-823.
14. Dierickx, S., Deliens, L., Cohen, J., & Chambaere, K. (2017). Euthanasia for people with psychiatric disorders or dementia in Belgium: analysis of officially reported cases. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1), 203.
15. Dresser, R. (2017). On Legalizing Physician-Assisted Death for Dementia. Hastings Cent Rep, 47(4), 5-6.
16. Eilers, R. (2017). Mental Disorders as a Basis for Physician-Assisted Death. Psychiatr Serv, 68(9), 981.
17. Ekkel, M. R., Depla, M. F. I. A., Verschuur, E. M. L., Veenhuizen, R. B., Hertogh, C. M. P. M., & Onwuteaka-Philipsen, B. D. (2022). Patient perspectives on advance euthanasia directives in Huntington’s disease. A qualitative interview study. BMC Med Ethics, 23(1), 101.
18. Elie, D., Marino, A., Torres-Platas, S. G., Noohi, S., Semeniuk, T., Segal, M. et al. (2018). End-of-Life Care Preferences in Patients with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness and Chronic Medical Conditions: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 26(1), 89-97.
19. Favron-Godbout, C., & Racine, E. (2023). Medical assistance in dying for people living with mental disorders: a qualitative thematic review. BMC Med Ethics, 24(1), 86.
20. Favron-Godbout, C., & Racine, E. (2023). Medical assistance in dying for people living with mental disorders: a qualitative thematic review. BMC Med Ethics, 24(1), 86.
21. Fernando, L. (2017). Assisted dying for patients with psychiatric disorders. CMAJ, 189(10), E413.
22. Garel, N., Nazon, M., Naghi, K., Willis, E., Looper, K., Rej, S. et al. (2023). Ketamine for depression: a potential role in requests for Medical Aid in Dying. Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 38(5), 352-355.
23. Güth, U., Junker, C., McMillan, S., Elfgen, C., & Schneeberger, A. R. (2023). Long-term experience on assisted suicide in Switzerland: dementia, mental disorders, age-related polymorbidity and the slippery slope argument. Public Health, 223, 249-256.
24. Hall, W., & Parker, M. (2018). The need to exercise caution in accepting addiction as a reason for performing euthanasia. Addiction, 113(7), 1178-1180.
25. Jansen, L. A., Wall, S., & Miller, F. G. (2019). Drawing the line on physician-assisted death. J Med Ethics, 45(3), 190-197.
26. Kammeraat, M., van Rooijen, G., Kuijper, L., Kiverstein, J. D., & Denys, D. A. J. P. (2023). Patients requesting and receiving euthanasia for psychiatric disorders in the Netherlands. BMJ Ment Health, 26(1), e300729.
27. Kim, S. Y. H., Conwell, Y., & Caine, E. D. (2018). Suicide and Physician-Assisted Death for Persons With Psychiatric Disorders: How Much Overlap. JAMA Psychiatry, 75(11), 1099-1100.
28. Kious, B. M. (2023). Medical Assistance in Dying in Neurology. Neurol Clin, 41(3), 443-454.
29. Koopman, J. J. E. (2019). Further Turns in the Conception and Regulation of Physician-Assisted Dying in the Netherlands. Am J Med, 132(9), 1011-1012.
30. Lopez-Castroman, J. (2017). About the practice of psychiatric euthanasia: a commentary. BMC Med, 15(1), 125.
31. Maung, H. H. (2023). Externalist argument against medical assistance in dying for psychiatric illness. J Med Ethics, 49(8), 553-557.
32. Miller, F. G., & Appelbaum, P. S. (2018). Physician-Assisted Death for Psychiatric Patients - Misguided Public Policy. N Engl J Med, 378(10), 883-885.
33. Moureau, L., Verhofstadt, M., & Liégeois, A. (2023). Mapping the ethical aspects in end-of-life care for persons with a severe and persistent mental illness: A scoping review of the literature. Front Psychiatry, 14, 1094038.
34. Nicolini, M. E., Kim, S. Y. H., Churchill, M. E., & Gastmans, C. (2020). Should euthanasia and assisted suicide for psychiatric disorders be permitted? A systematic review of reasons. Psychol Med, 50(8), 1241-1256.
35. Nicolini, M. E., Jardas, E. J., Zarate, C. A., Gastmans, C., & Kim, S. Y. H. (2023). Irremediability in psychiatric euthanasia: examining the objective standard. Psychol Med, 53(12), 5729-5747.
36. Nicolini, M. E., Jardas, E. J., Zarate, C. A., Gastmans, C., & Kim, S. Y. H. (2023). Irremediability in psychiatric euthanasia: examining the objective standard. Psychol Med, 53(12), 5729-5747.
37. Peisah, C., Sheahan, L., & White, B. P. (2019). Biggest decision of them all - death and assisted dying: capacity assessments and undue influence screening. Intern Med J, 49(6), 792-796.
38. Pronk, R., Willems, D. L., & van de Vathorst, S. (2023). What About Us? Experiences of Relatives Regarding Physician-Assisted Death for Patients Suffering from Mental Illness: A Qualitative Study. Cult Med Psychiatry, 47(1), 237-251.
39. Ramos-Pozón, S., Terribas-Sala, N., Falcó-Pegueroles, A., & Román-Maestre, B. (2023). Persons with mental disorders and assisted dying practices in Spain: An overview. Int J Law Psychiatry, 87, 101871.
40. Rooney, W., Schuklenk, U., & van de Vathorst, S. (2018). Are Concerns About Irremediableness, Vulnerability, or Competence Sufficient to Justify Excluding All Psychiatric Patients from Medical Aid in Dying. Health Care Anal, 26(4), 326-343.
41.Rosenbaum, D., Cho, M., Schneider, E., Hales, S., & Buchman, D. Z. (2023). Ethical Considerations at the Intersection Between Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy and Medical Assistance in Dying. AJOB Neuroscience, 14(2), 139-141.
42. Scheeres-Feitsma, T. M., van Laarhoven, A. J. J. M. K., de Vries, R., Schaafsma, P., & van der Steen, J. T. (2023). Family involvement in euthanasia or Physician Assisted Suicide and dementia: A systematic review. Alzheimers Dement, 19(8), 3688-3700.
43. Schuklenk, U. (2019). Certainty is not a morally defensible threshold to determine eligibility for assisted dying. Bioethics, 33(2), 219-220.
44. Shah, V. N., DuBose, S. N., Li, Z., Beck, R. W., Peters, A. L., Weinstock, R. S. et al. (2019). Continuous Glucose Monitoring Profiles in Healthy Nondiabetic Participants: A Multicenter Prospective Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 104(10), 4356-4364.
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46. Simpson, A. I. F. (2018). Medical Assistance in Dying and Mental Health: A Legal, Ethical, and Clinical Analysis. Can J Psychiatry, 63(2), 80-84.
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MAiD and Mental Disorders is a topic of keen interest to psychiatrists across Canada. Dr. McPherson has been a MAiD assessor and provider in the Edmonton Zone since 2016. She is a board member of the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (CAMAP), and co-author of the recent piece in ImpactEthics, “Canadian Psychiatrists Respond: MAiD and Mental Disorders.” Dr. McPherson will share her experiences working with patients requesting and receiving MAiD, as well as recent work at the provincial and national levels in MAiD education, guideline and curriculum development, and governance. She will provide an overview of international experiences with assisted dying where it is permitted for diagnoses of mental disorders, and will review provincial care paths developed by MAiD teams and psychiatrists to manage requests from people with chronic conditions, including mental disorders.